Shipping & Handling Policy

  • Orders are packed and shipped from southern Ontario, Canada. Orders are not processed nor shipped on weekends or public holidays. Shipping estimates are stated in business days and may not be accurate for all regions. 

  • Some shipping carriers are experiencing delays in processing, updating and delivering parcels. We use multiple couriers to ship orders, to ensure a reliable and speedy delivery of your order. If you have any shipping preferences, please contact us well ahead of placing your order, and we may be able to accomodate. At this time, we cannot guarantee your order will be shipped with a specific courier, or using a specific method of transit. 

  • While some orders are delivered by air, ground shipping is often the most economical and environmentally-responsible option. 

  • Orders within Canada may be shipped with Canada Post, Canpar, UPS, or other courier. Orders to the US may be delivered by USPS, UPS, or other courier. Your order may transit between multiple different couriers on it's journey to it's final destination.

  • We recommend shipping orders to a residential address, such as your home. Orders to a PO Box or freight forwarding address, may experience a significant delay due to limited options of couriers which will deliver to these addresses.

  • Most orders offer shipping tracking numbers. You will receive a confirmation of shipping once the package has been processed and handed off the delivery courier. 

  • Upon delivery by the courier, we are not responsible for the loss or theft of your package. We do not require a signature on delivery, but some couriers may request it, at their discretion. In rare cases, some couriers require you to pick up an item at your local pickup point (such as a Canada Post post office), if you're not available to receive the parcel. 

  • All delivery times are estimates and cannot be guaranteed.


Important note on International shipping:

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Phelix and Co. is based in Canada and ships all parcels from Canada. We are not responsible for any import fees, duties, customs, or taxes incurred on international shipments. We are not responsible for any delays in delivery due to customs or delays within a country outside Canada. Please review your country's policy on importing foreign goods.

We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about shipping or our policies. 


Free local pickup:

Local pickup in Guelph, ON may be available for orders over $75.00, placed by customers in Ontario Canada. Please contact us well ahead of placing your order, to determine if this is available.